Prof. Dr. Klaus Armingeon

Born November 19, 1954 in Stuttgart (Germany). Citizen of the EU, Germany and Switzerland. Married. Five children

Academic Positions

2020 –    Associated researcher, Universität Zürich

2020 – 2022 Visiting professor, Università degli Studi di Trento

2020 Visiting professor, Universität St. Gallen

2020 – 2022 Visiting professor, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale

1996 -2020 Full professor (Ordinarius) in political science (Comparative and European Politics) at the University of Bern (Switzerland), Director at the Institute of Political Science

2017 Research Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino (Italy)

2014 Research Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino (Italy)

2010 Nannerl O Keohane Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University, North Carolina (USA)

2003 Guest professor, Leopold-Franzens-Universität, Innsbruck (Austria)

2002 Guest professor, Duke University, North Carolina (USA)

1993-1996 Associate professor (Extraordinarius) in political science (Comparative and European Politics) at the University of Bern (Switzerland), Director of the Institute of Political Science

1987-1993 Assistant professor in political science (Hochschulassistent), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg (Germany)

1984-1986 Guest lecturer in sociology, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg (Germany) and guest lecturer in political science, Eberhard Karls Universität, Tübingen (Germany)

1983-1987 Research assistant in sociology, Universität Mannheim (Germany)

1980-1982 Research assistant in political science, Universität Konstanz (Germany)


1993 Habilitation in political science, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Germany)

1982 Ph.D. in political science, Universität Konstanz (Germany)

1975-1979 M.A. in major subjects Political Science and East European History, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany)


1993 University of Berne, chair in political science

1993 University of Magdeburg, Professor (C3)

2000 University of Cologne, chair in political science


1987 3rd Prize Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation for articles in socal sciences journals

1992 Prize of the Acadamic Foundation of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg for research and teaching

2008 Prize for the best articles in West European Politics (together with Nathalie Giger),

2010 Nannerl O Keohane Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Duke/UNC Chapel Hill,

2014 Fernandel-Braudel-Fellowship of the European University Institute, Florence (Italy) for Spring 2015 (declined)

2014 Fellowship of ‚Collegio Carlo Alberto’, Torino (Italy) for the Fall term of 2014 (accepted)

2016 Gordon Smith and Vincent Wright Memorial Prize for articles appearing during 2015, in West European Politics, Volume 38 (together with Lisa Schädel).

2016 1st Prize Prize Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation for articles in socal sciences journals (together with Kai Guthmann and David Weisstanner)

2017 Fellowship of ‚Collegio Carlo Alberto’, Torino (Italy) for the Spring term of 2017.

2017 Socio-Economic Review Annual Prize for the best article (How the Euro divides Europe, SER 2016, together with Kai Guthmann and David Weisstanner)

Services to the academic community

Referee for research foundations: European Commission; Swiss National Science Foundation; German National Science Foundation; Czech Science Foundation, Danisch Council for Independent Research in Social Sciences; European Science Foundation, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Hans Böckler Stiftung, Leipniz-Gemeinschaft, NORFACE (Dutch Science Foundation), Research Council of Norway; Oesterreichische Nationalbank, VW-Stiftung

Referee for numerous international and Swiss scientific journals in the fields of political science, sociology and economics

Editorial Board Comparative Political Studies (2016-)

Dean of faculty of economic and social sciences, Universität Bern, 2012-2014

Editoral Board West European Politics (2010-)

Institut für Höhere Studien Vienna, Scientific Board (2008-2012)

Hans Böckler Stiftung, Scientific Board (2006-)

Executive Committee European Consortium for Political Research (2006-2012)

Executive Council of the Swiss Political Science Association (1995 -2006)

Executive Council of the European Community Studies Association (Switzerland), ECSA Suisse, (2001- )

Editorial Board European Journal of Political Research (2003-2012)

Scientific Board, Swiss Foundation for research in social sciences (FORS), Lausanne (2008-)

Max-Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln, Scientific advisory board (2002-2008)

Zentrum für Umfragen und Methoden, Mannheim, Board, (2001-2007)

Chair Swiss Political Science Association (1999-2002)

Editor Swiss Political Science Review (2004-2006)

Council for the Social Sciences, Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (2000-2002)


  • Les syndicats européens et la crise (co-applicant; members George Couffignal, René Mouriaux et al. 1979 ), funded by European Consortium for Political Research.
  • Does Politics Matter (participation, directors: Francis G. Castles, Manfred G. Schmidt, Hans E. Keman et al.1979), funded by the European Consortium for Political Research.
  • Neo-corporatist policies in Western Europe (participation, director: Gerhard Lehmbruch 1980), funded by VW foundation.
  • The Development of Trade Unions in Western Europe after World War II (co-applicant, director: Peter Flora, 1983), funded by VW Foundation.
  • The Political Regulation of Collective Labour Relations in Historical and Comparative Perspective (main applicant, 1990), funded by German Science Foundation.
  • Globalisation and the room of manoeuvre of the nation state (main applicant, 1993), funded by Swiss National Science Foundation.
  • Research policy of the European Union (main applicant together with Tim Guldimann, 1995), funded by University Foundation (Hochschulstiftung) of the University of Bern.
  • The Swiss Political System Compared to the Political Systems of Germany and Austria (main applicant, 1995), funded by Swiss National Science Foundation.
  • Switzerland and the International Labour Organization (main applicant, 1995), founded by Swiss National Science Foundation in the framework of the National Research Program 42 (International relations and Foreign Policy).
  • The Future of Working Life (main applicant as director of project alliance, 1996), funded by Swiss National Science Foundation in the framework of the research program ‘Demain la Suisse’.
  • Socio-political orientations of employees. Alignments, membership in and hostility to interest organisations and political parties (main applicant, 1996), funded by Swiss National Science Foundation in the framework of the research program ‘Demain la Suisse’.
  • Social Integration and Political Participation (main applicant, 1999), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Critical Junctures. An international comparison. Major institutional domestic reforms in responses to external and internal pressures (main applicant, 1999), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Europeanisation of the Welfare State (main applicant), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
  • Societal conflicts and forms of governments in 28 Eastern countries (main applicant, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation)
  • Switzerland and Japan compared. (The seminar from which this publication project originated was funded by the Swiss and the Japanese National Science Foundation, main applicants: Klaus Armingeon/Kenji Hirashima)
  • International Organizations and National Welfare states (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the European Union within the COST-program)
  • New Social Risks (conference and book project, with Giuliano Bonoli)
  • Beliefs in the welfare state (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation)
  • Constitutionalizing trends (part of the National Centre of Competence in Research, International Trade Regulation: from Fragmentation to Coherence, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation)
  • Reconciling work and welfare (co-applicant), funded by the European Union, COST-Program
  • Liberalization. An international database, (main applicant), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Austerity. An international comparison of the implementation of austerity plans and their social consequences, (main applicant), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
  • Anti-Korruptionsparteien in den mittel-osteuropäischen Parteiensystemen, funded by ‚ Forschungsstiftung der Universität Bern’
  • The challenge of ageing societies for the Chinese and Swiss welfare state, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.
  • Liberlization. A book project, (main applicant), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation

Project co-ordinator:

  • Swiss National Science Foundation: The Future of Working Life, 1997-1999
  • Swiss National Science Foundation: Persistence and Change of Swiss Institutions. Domestic and International Causes, 2000-2002